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Positive Thinking (Anxiety & Depression)

One of the biggest fights you will ever face is with your thoughts. It is important to practice positive thinking and focus on the good by replacing the bad with happy energy. Today, September 13 is National Positive Thinking Day. I want to list 8 ways that encourage consistent positive thoughts and behavior.

  1. Say affirmations every morning. Research and repeat a few out loud to see which ones best fit your mood. Say them every morning when you open your eyes.

  2. Your brain doesn't realize what is reality and what is imaginary. Think of a time (real or fake) that puts you at ease or makes you calm. Maybe it is your dream house & life or you are alone on the beach with just the waves and no worries. When a bad thought enters your mind, immediately replace it with that positive scenario.

  3. Create a daily routine as well as the kids' and try to follow it every day for consistency.

  4. Don't take everything so personally. A LOT of times, it's really not that serious. Simple as that. YOU make it that serious.

  5. The majority, if not all, of the negative thoughts you have, are future things that won't even happen. Pay attention to that aspect and focus on it when your mind starts to wander. "It won't happen and if it does, I will deal with it when the time comes."

  6. Get a journal/diary and pour out your thoughts and emotions. It feels so much better when you put it on paper.

  7. As soon as the negative thoughts come up, rebuke them! "NOT TRUE" "I REBUKE THAT THOUGHT"

  8. Replace the thoughts with your affirmations. Once you have a bad thought, immediately say (example) "I am not my thoughts. I will be successful. I will overcome this."

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